
Custom Website Development

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Custom Website Development

Businesses of all different sizes are choosing custom web development over cookie-cutter-type templates. When a company decides to build a platform for customer information or e-commerce, custom builds provide a variety of benefits. Even those with an existing website are upgrading to a tailored version for a better user experience. A few benefits of a custom site are clean and optimized code, new technologies, and updated tools and development. Your custom-built site will not only look its best, but it’ll have the performance to match.


What is Custom Website Development?

Custom website development refers to the individualized code written specifically for the site. While drag and drop templates have an existing code, custom builds are created from the ground up. This code can be written to match the needs of the client and the service. The level of modification from site to site can vary depending on the project. While some companies have a few specific elements, others are made up almost entirely of custom elements. This entire website customization is referred to as a ground-up build. It has no predetermined infrastructure to build on. In some cases, this could make your site so unique it’s never been done before. No matter the level of customization, adding custom code creates something new.


What are the alternatives to custom web development?

If you don’t want a custom build, there are other options. There are site builders, auto builders, free templates, paid templates, and a slew of different services at your disposal. Many need just an email to sign up. Some popular options include WordPress, Wix, and GoDaddy. While these platforms offer a bit of personalization, you can only do so much.


Why Choose Custom Web Development Over Template Sites?

Websites are useful points of contact for potential consumers. They offer a place to store important, frequently asked information. No matter the size of the company, having a website is critical to success. While pre-made templates offer some room for inputting information, images, and maps, their features are limited. Custom builds offer the opportunities to get just about everything you’d want. Whether it’s personalized icons, maps, drop-downs, or any other feature, custom sites make that possible.


Unique to your brand and customers


A custom website brings with it absolute flexibility in design. And with this flexibility comes many options to deliver a brand to the website visitor. Branding is important in the world of online sales. You want your website to reflect the nature of your brand. If your brand identity is sleek and modern, a clunky old-school site will not do. When branding is on point and delivered properly, customers are more likely to take action. Creating a site that is tailored to the user experience can increase conversions.


Leaner, Faster Site: Better Customer Experience


Website building platforms offer many pre-made templates and themes. And while this seems great, pre-built sites come with a lot of excesses. In order to make so many features possible, there needs to be a lot of code. But even if you opt-out of using a certain set of elements, the code remains. This extra stored information can slow down your site and make it glitchy and hard to use. Slow websites with long loading times are deterrents for customers. No buyer wants to sit around and wait for a platform to respond, especially if they’re making a purchase.

Custom website development teams take a totally different approach to design and development. When a business works with a custom designer, the specific needs of a business will be addressed before the design process begins. The designer will identify what is possible and how it can be implemented. The code is then written by the website developer to reflect exactly what was requested. By only coding the elements needed, the website stays lean. This helps deliver a powerful platform free of unwanted clutter.


Enhanced Security with Custom Work


Extra code makes room for extra problems. Because custom websites have only the code needed to reflect their active functions, there is little to no excess. By limiting the amount of code used, you can limit the potential holes for cybercrime. Cybercrimes often happen through hackers breaching data stores and stealing private information. This is particularly problematic when it comes to e-commerce and stored credit card numbers. Fine-tuning the code, hopefully, allows for a site to be better equipped against vulnerability. Custom-built websites are far superior when it comes to security.


Optimized for your business model


Different business sectors have different business models. Thus, they all need their own websites to match. Specific industries attract different kinds of customers and require elements that reflect that. A custom website development team works with you to understand how to best optimize your website. Whether it’s the content on the site, the CTAs, or the metadata, custom sites are built to encourage the user to do what you want.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Custom builds will not only give you a great-looking site but they will be developed to rank well in Google. How a page ranks on a search engine is important for traffic and conversion purposes. The higher you rank on the search page, the more likely it is that your website will be clicked on. The main process used to achieve this is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Optimization is the process of adding elements, both on-page and off-page, to help it rank better. This can include adding commonly used keywords, hyperlinks, and other items that help in the ranking process. Good custom website development teams are knowledgeable about SEO and are up to date on best practices.



Every company has different needs when building a website. It could be specifics in design, elements, and/or functions. Whatever it may be, a custom website can deliver. For the best conversions, you want a website that is fast, useful, and nice to look at. Ultimately, the common goal is to create a platform that reaches consumers and incentivizes action. If you’re interested in upgrading your page, consider speaking to an agency that offers custom web design. And if it’s a good fit, get ready for the site of your dreams.


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