
Robust analytics and research—it’s the drum agencies thump when talking about how paid ads should be processed, dissected, and understood. Epic Marketing’s Utah PPC management adds a bit more percussion—with expertise and strategy from an in-house team that’s managed and optimized big campaigns across an even bigger cross-section of industries—all without missing a beat on delivering a tangible return on investment.

What We’ll Tell You
About PPC That
Other Agencies Won’t

We're not hawking some special sauce and there’s nothing but water in our water cooler. (But it is the water coolest.) We're attending all the same conferences as our competitors and staying current with all the same certifications.

But make no mistake—not all PPC management services in Utah are created equal. So what separates the adequate from the great? It's what happens once the campaign is up and running. How often is it being looked at? What changes are being made? And most importantly, how is the decision to make changes reached?

The Epic Marketing difference doesn’t come from our audits or our specialization in Google Ads (although we are pretty good). Instead, it’s in how meticulously we create your campaigns and how closely we monitor and adjust them. Here’s how we approach your pay-per-click marketing efforts.


Profitability Is a Benchmark,
Not a Finish Line.

It’s tempting (and all too easy) for a PPC specialist to put your account on the back burner once they’ve managed to get your campaign profitable. But you don’t hire a professional just so they can do their job at an amateur level. That’s why we only use profitability as a benchmark.


Once your campaign is generating leads and creating a Return On Investment (ROI), we have access to even more data that enables us to further enhance your campaign’s performance. This allows us to constantly monitor, adjust, and optimize your campaigns—ultimately decreasing your cost per conversion while increasing your ROI and ROAS (Return On Ad Spend.)


Want to see how your paid ads stack up? Click here to talk with our team about how we can help your Utah company with your PPC strategy.

Biweekly or Weekly
Audits and

Simply put, large PPC budgets create large amounts of data. The larger the data pool, the more information we have to make calculated decisions and positively affect your account. And the more information we have, the more often we can be in your account making meaningful, data-driven changes.


This is why our Utah PPC management team monitors your account, analyzes the data, and makes optimizations at least once a week. The more an account spends or the cheaper the cost-per-click, the faster we collect data. The faster we can collect data, the sooner we can make data-driven optimizations. We don’t make changes just to make changes, we let the numbers guide us.

We Focus on Quality of Work, Not Quantity of Clients

Both Google Ads and Bing Ads have the option to automate many elements of a campaign. Although we recognize that automation has its place, we prefer to work alongside it rather than give it free rein because it makes our lives easier. Some agencies use automation strictly because it frees up their schedule and gives them more time to work with new clients.


One problem with relying solely on automation is that Google and Bing don’t have your best interests in mind. They make money when someone clicks on your ad, not when you make a sale or get a lead. If you used all their “recommended” settings, you’d get a lot of clicks and spend a lot of money, but you wouldn’t necessarily reach your goals. We believe (and have the data to prove it) the best way to help your business succeed in the digital sphere is to focus on the quality of work we deliver instead of focusing on how many clients we can land.

Work desk with epic logo on the computer screen


Search Ads

How do you reach customers already looking for your services? Start with search ads. Maybe you don’t have the budget yet for SEO to help bump you up to the top of Google. Don’t worry, there’s still a way to get your business noticed. (And ABOVE the organic search results no less!) Search ads bring your services to potential customers who already have the intention to buy—they just need to know about your service. By bidding on keywords that align with a searcher’s query, we can bring those potential customers to your site.

Display Ads

Other websites your target demographic visits are prime real estate for display ads. Our PPC and graphic design teams work together to create display ads that contain three vital elements:

  • Brand Consistency. More important than flashy or attractive, the ad should replicate the look and feel of the site they are about to land on.
  • Optimized for Conversion. Whether it be A/B testing or market research, we’re interested in finding imagery and messaging that not only generates clicks, but conversions as well.
  • High-Quality Aesthetic. Design, even for ads, is an art of passion. No attention to detail is spared in the creation process. If it is (quite literally) going to be on “display”, we’re going to make sure it’s work you can be proud of.

Paid Social

Reaching potential customers on social has largely become a pay-to-play game. From Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Tik Tok, paid social is how you connect with your audience in a way that drives results. Our data-driven paid social strategy targets potential customers with a precise and granular approach.

So whether your ad campaign’s goal is to drive people to your website, return them to their abandoned shopping cart, or simply give them a branded experience, paid social ads are a highly versatile solution that meets the needs of your business.


Why miss out on your warmest leads because they don’t convert right away? It takes potential customers AT LEAST seven views of your offer before they take action and purchase.

Retargeting allows you to learn about your consumer and then market to them accordingly; all while leaving the inefficiencies of traditional marketing behind. Using the right channels and right messaging, we keep you at the top of their mind. Creating that second opportunity for users doesn’t just mean they spend more time on your site, it means they convert and become customers.

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