Nice Guys Loans Website

Nice Guys Loans Website

Friends in Nice Places

Their process is quicker, their fees and rates are lower, and they treat you better. Nice Guys is all about friendlier payday loans for anybody who needs a little cash. Delivering a kinder look and a more welcoming website, we helped Nice Guys showcase why they’re the best place to borrow from.

play button
Nice Guys Loans Color Palette
Nice Guys Loans Typography

Nice and New

If Nice Guys was going to help anybody with their no-nonsense approach to loans, they were going to need an updated look that showcased their friendlier approach. We modernized their logo with a smoother, more rounded look and cleaned up their website to feel more open and spacious. We also added a brighter, friendlier color palette and a wealth of fun illustrations.

Nice Guys Loans Webpage
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Hand Holding Heart
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Paperwork
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Guys Holding Money With Nice Guys Loans Logo
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Wallet And Coins
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Gears Turning With Money Signs
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Hand Checking Off Checklist On Cellphone
Nice Guys Loans Iconography Two Guys Waving
Nice Guys Loans Webpages

No More Application Intimidation

With a name like Nice Guys, it’s pretty important for everything you do to feel helpful. So we simplified Nice Guys’ loan application into three nice-and-easy steps to minimize a borrower’s anxiety—helping users apply for loans quickly online and improving conversion along the way.