High-performing social media strategies need a great organic presence backed by some serious data. So we build your customized social strategy piece by piece: engaging posts across the right mix of social channels, utilizing the right voice and the right messaging. Sound like rocket science? It can be. Call us MIT.
Our Services
Organic Social Media
Organic social media marketing is how you build up a loyal audience. Keeping up an active social account with the right content and curated messaging is incredibly challenging. But we know what works and what doesn’t (worst-kept trade secret ever: puppies work a freakishly high percentage of the time). Our team will help you stay on top of it all with consistent and interesting posts flowing through your channels.
Paid Social Media
The other half of all solid social media campaigns are paid social ads—they’re everywhere, and most likely already being used by your competitors. Stand out with a paid social campaign that stops your customer from scrolling to the next post. Our data-driven paid social media strategy can target your potential customers with precision and in a way that naturally drives active users to your site.
Social Media Audits
How do you know if your social media accounts are helping (or hurting) your brand? With more social media platforms popping up every day and the rules of the game changing just as often, maintaining a strong social media can quickly become overwhelming. Our social media management specialists take a look at your current social media presence—your posts, metrics, competition, etc.—and put together a strategy on how to amp up your social media game.

Our Philosophy/Methodology
Stop Letting Interns Run Your Accounts
We’ve seen enough businesses nose-dive from an ill-advised tweet or photo to know that every single post has the capacity to make or break your brand. Make sure the people in charge of your accounts are qualified to be the spokesperson for your company. Our Utah-based social media specialists understand the intricacies and rules of each platform—and the overall social media landscape—and can help you navigate them with ease.
Grow Your Audience
People follow an account because they want it to bring value to their feed (and lives). Since every business is vying for their attention, anything you can do to make their experience personalized is valuable. We help you nail down which platforms connect best with your target market and cultivate loyalty from active users right from the get-go.
You Can’t Buy Loyalty
With social media marketing, slow and steady wins the race. Sure, you could buy followers like every other suspiciously low-engagement influencer (please don’t do that). Or you can connect with your audience authentically, creating customers for life. We’ll create a strategy and monthly posting calendar that focuses on developing long-term success and brand recognition.
Content Curation
Interesting content gets noticed—it’s one of the best ways to reach new audiences. So we combine quality content with data-driven targeting strategies that help you expand your circle to new prospects and create a larger tribe. We’re laser focused on putting out high-quality content that creates value and engages your target market—no filler posts here.